Student Expectations
Schoolwide Expectations
Student Behavior
- Students will make RESPONSIBLE choices.
- Students will show RESPECT to all.
- Students will maintain the RIGHT TO LEARN.
Building Rules
- No controlled items can be on school grounds at any time. This includes (but is not limited to) alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or weapons.
- Gum is not allowed in school.
- Students are not allowed to break the law. This includes (but is not limited to) vandalism, assault, harassment, and threats of violence.
- Students are not to bring any toys, trading cards, bats, hard balls, skates, heelies, or skateboards for use on school grounds.
- Students are prohibited from bringing their own personal electronic communication and entertainment devices in any elementary school during school hours unless arranged by the classroom teacher. If you send your child to school with any such electronic device (including a cell phone), it must be turned off and stored out of sight during the school day, unless arranged in advance by staff.
- The school assumes no responsibility for loss, damage or theft of any personal items.
Classroom Management Philosophy
Middleton students are expected to conduct themselves in such a manner as not to interfere with the orderly operation of the educational program. Building principals are directed to establish reasonable, and age-appropriate, rules necessary to maintain orderly conduct in the school. The teacher has the flexibility to manage classroom discipline in a way that is effective for them but also protects their right to teach and the students’ right to learn.
Discipline Philosophy
The aim of discipline is to institute and maintain study conditions free from disruptive behavior. Based on respect and welfare for individuals and the group, discipline should develop the ideals, attitudes, and habits required for success in school. Students are expected to follow the rules of the classroom teacher and the school handbook. The classroom teacher, special subject teacher, or educational assistant will normally handle violations. Discipline will be logged in Family Access and viewable by parents. Consequences will normally be determined after listening to all sides and considering individual circumstances. Administrative discretion will be used when a student repeatedly or blatantly disregards school and/or district policy(s). Students who disrupt the class may need to be removed with the goal of returning them to the classroom ready to work as soon as possible. The school may request parent involvement in determining the most effective consequences for their child.